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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

The surviving hatchlings,

have already started on their travels.

Vast current systems,

like immense rivers,
carry them around the ocean basins.

The boundaries between
these masses of moving water...

form invisible barriers that can trap

both plankton and nutrients carried up
from the depths.

So parts of the ocean become rich

with food for days or even weeks at a time

This attracts vast schools of
plankton-feeding fish - like these sardine

They take in water through their mouths

and expel it through their gills

sieving out the plankton which
is then funnelled down their throats.

The immense schools travel along
the boundaries of the currents

- seeking the spots where
the plankton is thickest.

As the position of the current
boundaries changes constantly,

so does both the supply of plankton
and the numbers of fish.

A small pod of Pacific Spotted Dolphin

- twenty miles from the coast of Panama.

Like all predators,
they seek parts of the ocean

where their food is thickest.

They cover
as much as hundred miles in a day.

And while they travel, they play.

They have detected the sound of
schooling fish from hundreds of metres away

and start to track down
the shoals using sonar

- leaving their toys behind them.

For the hunted
there are few places to hide.

Schooling mackerel.

They have already sensed the sonar beams
of approaching dolphin.

Their only defence
is to gather into a ball.

Any individual that stayed out
of the shoal would be quickly picked off.

Within it,
there is at least some chance of survival.

The noise of the attack
alerts another predator

- a sailfish, one of the
fastest fish in the ocean.

lt has detected rapid vibrations
in the water

and is searching for the cause.

Sailfish rely on eyesight

for their final approach

so they hunt mainly in daylight.

When sailfish become excited
they change colour

lighting up with bright blue stripes.

Since mackerel eyes
are especially sensitive

to blue and ultraviolet,
these colours confuse them

- making them easier to catch.

Far below, a blue shark returns
from a squid-hunting trip in the

cold darkness three hundred metres down.

lt's heading for the surface to
reheat in the warmer water.

As it ascends,
it detects the smell of oils


daylight [ˈdeɪlaɪt] n. 白天;日光;黎明;公开 {gk cet4 ky :5270}

expel [ɪkˈspel] vt. 驱逐;开除 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5990}

stripes [st'raɪps] n. 条子布;条纹布(stripe复数形式) v. 给…加条纹(stripe的三单形式) { :6292}

vibrations ['vaɪbreɪʃənz] n. [力] 振动;共鸣;动摇(vibration的复数) { :6691}

gills [gɪls] n. (鱼等的)鳃( gill的名词复数 ); 深谷; (人的)腮下肉; 菌褶 { :7313}

Panama [.pænә'mɑ:] n. 巴拿马(位于拉丁美洲);巴拿马城 { :8319}

pod [pɒd] n. 蚕茧;豆荚 n. (Pod)人名;(罗)波德 vt. 从豆荚中剥出 vi. 结豆荚 {gre :8381}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

ascends [əˈsendz] v. 上升,攀登( ascend的第三人称单数 ) { :9518}

ultraviolet [ˌʌltrəˈvaɪələt] adj. 紫外的;紫外线的 n. 紫外线辐射,紫外光 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :9521}

funnelled ['fʌnld] adj. 漏斗状的 v. 倾销( funnel的过去式和过去分词 ) { :10793}

shoals [ʃəʊlz] n. [地理] 浅滩(shoal的复数形式);[水文] 沙洲 v. 变浅;使驶进浅水区(shoal的第三人称单数) n. (Shoals)人名;(英)肖尔斯 { :12753}

shoal [ʃəʊl] n. 浅滩,沙洲;鱼群;潜在危险 vi. 变浅 vt. 使变浅;驶入 adj. 浅的 {ielts gre :12753}

eyesight [ˈaɪsaɪt] n. 视力;目力 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :13749}

sonar [ˈsəʊnɑ:(r)] n. 声纳;声波定位仪(等于asdic) n. (Sonar)人名;(土)索纳尔 { :14879}

sardine [ˌsɑ:ˈdi:n] n. 沙丁鱼;庸碌无能的人 vt. 使拥挤不堪 {cet6 :15458}

sieving ['sɪvɪŋ] n. 筛分;筛选 { :15525}

mackerel [ˈmækrəl] n. 鲭(产于北大西洋);马鲛鱼 { :15554}

reheat [ˌri:ˈhi:t] n. 再热(炉) vt. 再热;将…重新加热 { :15756}

plankton [ˈplæŋktən] n. 浮游生物(总称) {ielts gre :19300}

hatchlings [ ] (hatchling 的复数) n.人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟 { :26157}

sailfish ['seɪlfɪʃ] n. 旗鱼 { :27080}

blue shark [ ] 苇切鲨; 大青鲨

in daylight [ ] [网络] 光天化日之下;在阳光中

ocean basin [ ] un. 海洋盆地;海盆;海洋水域 [网络] 大洋盆地;洋底盆地;海底盆地

school mackerel [ ] 昆士兰马鲛鱼

sieve out [ ] 过滤出

spotted dolphin [ ] [网络] 斑海豚;点斑原海豚;热带斑海豚

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用